6 hour – beginner
A 6 hour class suitable for any level spinner that works through various yarns ie., singles, 2 ply, and 3 ply in different ways to manipulate the color. A lot of us are drawn to beautiful braids of fiber and not really sure how to spin them. In this class we work through multiple ways of spinning those beautiful braids so the student will be able to anticipate the outcome the next time around. We also learn about combining all those single braids that we can’t stop collecting and discuss how to tone down or bring out a specific color.
- Color length
- Color order
- Thick/thin singles and how it affects the knit/woven fabric
2 ply
- End to end matching colors – breaking singles to match up if you need to
- Gradients (colors in order A, B, C)
- Opposing gradients (one ply A, B, C / one ply C, B, A)
- Fractal (1:2, 1:3, 2:3, 2:4, etc)
- Thick/thin singles and how it affects the color
3 ply
- Traditional 3 ply
- End to end, opposite ends, solid ply, etc.
- Chain plying
- Fractal (1:2:3, 2:3:4, etc)
- Thick/thin singles and how it affects the color